
So, we’ve been a family of four for one whole year already. Twelve months. Twelve crazy months. It’s been twelve months since we sat in the Family Court trying our best to look decent and respectable so that the scary silent Judge man would let you come home with us. We managed to convince him and suddenly with a signature or two we became your parents, Kira Pie. Just like that. After all the whole tedious screening process, this signature was the magic wand of permission. We became yours and you became ours.

Today is your adoption day and we celebrate that you are part of our little tribe. We are your forever ever family and this is worth celebrating BIG TIME but we also grieve the loss of your first family. We weren’t first, but we are forever. We may still be waiting for some official documents to prove it for reals, but you are miraculously our own little one.

So much love little noodle x

Your great Granny Win sent us this poem from her prayer book.



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