Tag: Kids

Meet the Mama {Mireille Porter}

Welcome to the first post in the ‘Meet the Mama’ series. It’s so helpful to hear other people’s stories and today we hear from Mireille Porter about her family’s adoption story. 

Tell us a bit about your family.

I met my husband while both studying at Medical School and we have been married for 7 years this year. Our biological son Joel was born in August 2012 and is tall and slender and as fair, blonde and blue eyed as they come. Joshua was born in March 2014 (making them a tight 18 months apart) and joined our family in July at just over 3 months old. Josh is big and strong and as dark and afro-haired as they come. They are an amazing pair – so similar in so many ways (mostly in volume levels and activeness and curiosity) – and get along playing together already.

Did you always know that you wanted to adopt?      

Yes, since before I met my husband I was interested in adoption as a way of making/growing a family. I was involved in a Children’s home for several years and this together with experience of being a Doctor in South Africa exposed me to the reality of the magnitude of the crisis we have in our country and the reality of children growing up without families. My husband felt the same way before we were even married and it was I think just a question of when.

Did you use an agency or did you go through Child Welfare? What would you recommend?

We went through Procare- a private social work agency which facilitates adoptions. We found the process, although long and administratively tedious, a pleasure and would definitely recommend them.

What was the hardest part of the process?

Waiting for the phone call to say there was a baby for us. I used to say it felt like being engaged but you didn’t know when your wedding day was or who you were marrying but just knowing it would happen and it would be amazing! Full of excitement and anticipation but with so much uncertainty and the balance of being expectant and prepared with not going mad from waiting.

What was your first night together as a family like?

Our first night was so peaceful. Josh was so calm and didn’t “react” to all the changes around him. It felt like he, like us, was exhausted from all the excitement but while we were wide awake and buzzing he just wanted to be warm and cuddled and fed and put to sleep.

What is your funniest adoption-related family story?

Would have to be the comments my husband gets when he is alone with Josh. From congratulations of “I am just so proud you and your boyfriend decided to adopt” from strangers at coffee shops to “is this your baby?…The mother must be very dark if this is your baby” to which my husband replies “Well, her father is from the Congo” and they reply “Well, that makes sense then”. The hilarity of broken assumptions helps us keep grace for the less gentle remarks.

Do you celebrate ‘adoption day’ with any traditions?

We haven’t had our Gotcha day type celebration yet as Josh has only been with us for a few months but feel we will make it a day about our family as it marks the day our family became what we are today.

Advice for the screening process?

Celebrate every milestone like it was a month or trimester of pregnancy. Enjoy it, bask in the glow of expectancy and acknowledge that somewhere out there there is a baby growing- let yourself be excited – parenting is full of fears but we cannot let them distract us for one second from the joy of anticipation.

How can friends and family best support those adopting?

Celebrate with us! Use the traditional pregnancy type shower/ shopping/ Christmas stocking for expectant baby things and then add creativity – be expectant with them! Oh and stop asking them if they have gotten the call – they will tell you when they do!

Top tip for doing life as a rainbow nation family?

Not always easy but surround yourself with people who are different from you – that look different, that are from different places, that have different family stories – break any perceptions of what “normal” is, what a “normal family” is – make your own normal – the new normal. Don’t ignore that your child’s story might be different to others around him or your other children – help them grow and explore that part of their identity, giving them pride and strength in who they are – if you don’t help them form their identity then the harsh words of bullies or social silliness might.


Yes, they belong to me!

Adoption is a funny thing. Blended families are everywhere you look, but our existence can still raise an eyebrow or two at, for example, Cavendish. I am quickly going to recount two laugh out loud moments that have recently taken place at this popular mall down the road.

One. Let me set the scene. Ryan is trying on jeans at Woolies. I am collapsed on the couch that is strategically positioned at the entrance to the changing rooms. (Woolies you read my mind. Taking Husband shopping is far more exhausting that one can imagine.) The pram is wedged ‘out of the way’ (a pram is always in the way) and Ilan is running sprints down the aisle towards the Woolies cafe and turning around every few seconds to check that I’m watching his fabulous display of very fast running. The security guard is hovering at the entrance. A concerned shopper walks slowly past Ilan who is now rolling on the floor. She looks around. She summons the security guard and they look around together. They’re looking for Ilan’s mom. Where is she? I am five metres away. This is too amusing so I let them look a little bit longer before I give them a wave. Embarrassed shopper scurries away. Ilan runs back to me. We all go home without jeans.

Two. It is possibly the second time in my three years of mom-ing that I spot a vacant ‘Moms with Tots’ bay and I can’t believe my luck. What a good start to the day. Little Miss and I hit the shops, load the pram with groceries and head back to the conveniently-close-car. I manage to find the parking ticket and am pleased to find that the car keys are in my Mary Poppins bag and not forgotten in the car door. There are a few steps leading down to the car and so I leave Kira in the pram, a mere four steps away, while I pack the groceries into the boot. A dear old lady is standing next to the pram as I return for yet another transfer. She asks if I know where this gorgeous little one’s mother is? She’s right here I say. (I really was right there).

Life is is interesting when you don’t look like your kids and they don’t look like you. Yes, we don’t look the same but we belong together.


Win with Bennetts & Heart Mama Blog {CLOSED}


Bennetts for Babies is one of those brands that have really stood the test of time and so as a result it has become the natural brand choice for me when it comes to Baby Bum Creme and Fragrance-Free Aqueous Cream. Not only are their products affordable (we go through A LOT of aqueous cream in this house), they have also been tried and tested over the years. Bennetts has proven to be a brand that we can trust. I can honestly say that neither Ilan or Kira have ever had nappy rash ever in their lives. When I changed Ilan’s nappy for the first time, the Nursing Sister at his place of safety said, ‘You can’t go wrong with Bennetts’ and I have to agree.

When Bennetts for Babies officially welcomed me to the world of ‘Mommy blogging’, I was only to happy to receive a gift hamper in exchange for a review and write up on my blog. Naturally. Bennetts gets a thumbs up from me, with or without a hamper. Click here to read more about the Bennetts for Babies full product range. Their products are dermatologically approved, clincally tested for mildness and suitable for sensitive skin which is great because Ilan suffers from awful eczema flare-ups.

My hamper included the following: Baby Aqueous Cream – fragrance-free & fragranced,  Baby bum creme, Saline nose drops with a soft tip nasal aspirator (commonly referred to as a snot-sucker in mom circles), Easi-breathe vapocaps, Easi-breath kit, Aqueous bath drops, Nipple cream (I won’t be needing this), Mozzie stick, Aqueous Bath Drops and Sunblock for babies & toddlers. You know you’re a mom when you can get excited about a hamper like this! Even Ryan was stoked.

And now for the reason you’ve clicked the link to this blog post – Heart Mama Blog has a Bennetts for Babies hamper giveaway valued at R500. To stand a chance to win this hamper, please follow these steps:

1. Comment below & mention your favourite Bennetts product.

2. Click here to like Heart Mama Blog on Facebook.

3. Share the ‘Win with Bennetts & Heart Mama Blog’ post via Facebook to your profile.

The winner will be selected via Random.org on Mon 29 September. The winner drawn must have followed all three steps above in order to qualify for the prize. Competition is open to South African residents only and collection can be arranged from Cape Town. 

Hooray! Danelle Hess, you are Heart Mama Blog’s very first winner.


Love makes a family.


Little Kira-Noodle-Pie joined our family in January and every day our hearts stretch with love for her. Today I am sharing this most precious picture of our sleeping babs with you. How lucky are we? I’ll answer that. We are very lucky.

Our house turned pink over night and is full of gob. Just the way we like it.

Thank you Kira pie for joining our family.


Hello there.

This is me and my favourite. Well, actually I have 2 little favourites now & I love them with my whole heart.

This is me and my favourite. Well, my first favourite. I have 2 little favourites now and I love them with my whole heart. Welcome to my blog!

Through this blog I’m going to share my journey of joy in starting and growing a family through adoption. There are unwelcome frustrations along the way too, but mostly these are admin-related and mostly there is MUCH joy! The kind of joy that squeezes you tightly at 05h30 in the morning and kisses you with snotty smooches. What a pleasure.

Welcome to my blog.

Photo credit to the loveliest http://hayleytakesphotos.com