Isn’t there something so addictive about buying and selling things online? There is also something very satisfying about finding a really good deal. Just this last week we sold our dining room table to make space for a new-for-us table that has been passed down through the family. It sold in less than a week thanks to Gumtree.
I am always so impressed at how easy it is to sell something on Gumtree and how punctual potential buyers usually are. To be safe, my husband deals with the queries and we use his work location on the Gumtree ad. In the past I have bought a compactum, a cot, an outside table and rented two flats through Gumtree. I’ve also sold my trusty old Tazz on Gumtree. That was a sad day.
It’s easy for me to get a bit carried away scrolling through the Gumtree ads online and creating a wish list of items for the house and for the kids but today I decided to have a squizz and see if I could find anything suitable for my almost 5 year old for his birthday. This is what I found, what do you think?