Tag: family

A letter for Judah (before you came home)

Hello my boy. We’re busy making preparations to come and visit you on Friday for a few days and then you’re coming home with us to Cape Town. You took us by surprise little one. One minute we were a family of four and a phone call and a week later it had been decided that we are going to be your Mom & Dad. It’s been so incredibly exciting. I’m not the biggest fan of surprises but you are the best kind of surprise.

Your big brother is Ilan and he’s turning four in June and your big (little) sister is Kira and you will all become the best of friends, I can just tell. Ilan’s favourite book at the moment is called Choco and it’s about a small round cheeked little yellow bird with stripy legs who sets off to find a mother who looks just like him. Choco soon realises that it doesn’t matter if his mommy doesn’t look him him but that she can give him hugs, and make him laugh and play with him. Mama Bear takes Choco home and introduces him to her family – Ilan has decided that he is Choco, Kira is Ally the aligator and that you are piggy. (Sorry about that, you better come home soon so that you can defend yourself!)

Judah, we saw a photo of you for the first time last week and you have no idea how much time I’ve spent looking at your photo since then. We just can’t wait to meet you and kiss and cuddle you. Dad had just left for work on the day that the official referral from your social worker popped into my inbox and he turned his car right around and fought the traffic back home so that we could open this life changing email together. Now you have a face and this is real and we are even more excited. Adoption is the gift of you and we don’t know what we did to deserve you, Judah.

We finally came up with a short list of names (It’s hard for Dad and I to agree on names and so this was quite a process) and when we saw your photo we just knew that you were ‘Judah’. Judah Hlehlo. ‘Praise’ for ‘God’s plan’. We praise God for you my boy. I know that it might be hard for you one day to understand how you ended up in our family but we  pray that you know without a shadow of a doubt that you were planned and that God stitched this family together in His plan.

This is an extract from a beautiful article that has helped shape my thinking about adoption which might help you understand that our family is not Plan B, Judah. God only has a Plan A. It written by a Dad with five kids – three by adoption, two by birth:

“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139, NIV)

These are powerful words to anyone who reads them, especially to a child by adoption. It’s amazing to think that God has already ordained each detail of a child’s life before that child is born, whether that child be a child by adoption or a child by birth.

I understood this even more fully one day when I was thinking about what it was like to be present when my daughter was born. I remembered being up late at night in the dim hospital room and how incredible it was to cut her umbilical cord. It was truly a breathtaking experience to see this innocent little girl come into the world. For me, being there to actually cut the cord enabled me to connect with God’s will in placing this child into our hands.

I was not there to cut the umbilical cords for my children by adoption. I consider this a loss for all of us. But God revealed something even more powerful to me through Psalm 139-that our position as the parents to children by adoption had been sealed by God before time began.

God Himself actually cut the cord between our children by adoption and their biological parents, freeing them to be placed into our hands. When we became their mother and father, it was not through our efforts or by chance, but by God’s mighty hand in our lives and the lives of others. Every detail of our life now is evidence of God working to redeem the broken things of this world to fulfill His plans and not ours.

What a beautiful answer to the question, “Why was I not born in your tummy, Mama?” to be able to tell your children, “God did not forsake you. He never leaves you; God has a plan for your life and all of our lives and it was His plan to place you with us.” (You can read the full article here.)

Judah, we look forward to welcoming you home and thank God for choosing us to be your parents. We love you before we’ve met you.

Our first look at you – hey there handsome!


Win with Bennetts & Heart Mama Blog {CLOSED}


Bennetts for Babies is one of those brands that have really stood the test of time and so as a result it has become the natural brand choice for me when it comes to Baby Bum Creme and Fragrance-Free Aqueous Cream. Not only are their products affordable (we go through A LOT of aqueous cream in this house), they have also been tried and tested over the years. Bennetts has proven to be a brand that we can trust. I can honestly say that neither Ilan or Kira have ever had nappy rash ever in their lives. When I changed Ilan’s nappy for the first time, the Nursing Sister at his place of safety said, ‘You can’t go wrong with Bennetts’ and I have to agree.

When Bennetts for Babies officially welcomed me to the world of ‘Mommy blogging’, I was only to happy to receive a gift hamper in exchange for a review and write up on my blog. Naturally. Bennetts gets a thumbs up from me, with or without a hamper. Click here to read more about the Bennetts for Babies full product range. Their products are dermatologically approved, clincally tested for mildness and suitable for sensitive skin which is great because Ilan suffers from awful eczema flare-ups.

My hamper included the following: Baby Aqueous Cream – fragrance-free & fragranced,  Baby bum creme, Saline nose drops with a soft tip nasal aspirator (commonly referred to as a snot-sucker in mom circles), Easi-breathe vapocaps, Easi-breath kit, Aqueous bath drops, Nipple cream (I won’t be needing this), Mozzie stick, Aqueous Bath Drops and Sunblock for babies & toddlers. You know you’re a mom when you can get excited about a hamper like this! Even Ryan was stoked.

And now for the reason you’ve clicked the link to this blog post – Heart Mama Blog has a Bennetts for Babies hamper giveaway valued at R500. To stand a chance to win this hamper, please follow these steps:

1. Comment below & mention your favourite Bennetts product.

2. Click here to like Heart Mama Blog on Facebook.

3. Share the ‘Win with Bennetts & Heart Mama Blog’ post via Facebook to your profile.

The winner will be selected via Random.org on Mon 29 September. The winner drawn must have followed all three steps above in order to qualify for the prize. Competition is open to South African residents only and collection can be arranged from Cape Town. 

Hooray! Danelle Hess, you are Heart Mama Blog’s very first winner.
