Tag: Cape Town

Meet the AfroDaddy – Terence Mentor: The Dad with big hair & a bigger heart


So, I know this blog is called ‘Heart Mama Blog’ and this series usually posts adoption stories from a Mom’s perspective but today we get to hear from a Dad, an ‘AfroDaddy’ to be specific! Terence is a blogger with his own Youtube channel – I’ve loaded some of my favourite videos of his at the  bottom of this post, so take a look. Terence and his wife Julie live down the road from us and we’ve met through mutual friends – if you ever find yourself in Rosmead Spar, keep one eye open for this Dad with a fro (and perhaps a kid or two!) and give him a hello and a pat on the back.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your family.

I’m a dad who is a little bit odd – in looks, taste and personality (but not too odd, I hope!). I’m married to beautiful, gracious, smart and wonderful Julie. (I say all this about her because it’s true, but also because it makes her SUPER uncomfortable)

We are the happy parents of 2 year old Liam, who we formally adopted in 2014, and 6 month old Eli, who was born last year. They are our sources of incredible joy and exhaustion. Continue Reading

Meet the Mama – Jane Maritz, new Cape Town Heart Mama


Jane and I have something in common – we both walked the adoption journey with the same wonderful adoption agency, Wandisa. I met Jane and her family at a big family picnic arranged by Wandisa and we got to chat a little bit in between the distraction of toddler tears when countless big orange helium balloons flew up to the clouds and  general kid chaos. Thank you for sharing your story, Jane.

Tell us a bit about your family.

My husband, Adrian and I have been married for 2 years now, together for 5 years. We live in Cape Town. Adrian has lived in Cape Town his whole life, I was born in SA but grew up in the USA (in Denver Colorado) and moved back to SA when I was 21. Finally, after a very long but worthwhile wait, we were blessed with our son, Noah, in July of last year. And when I say blessed, I really mean it! He is the most chilled out, happy little soul who is always smiling, barely ever cries and he has slept through the night since the day he came home.

He’s a total daddy’s boy – ‘the two best friends that anyone could have’. I can’t believe it’s only been 6 months. I can’t imagine life without him. Continue Reading

Happy adoption day Miss Kira


In our family, we celebrate birthdays and adoption days – the day that each child joined our family and became a Kynie. This means that our calendar is doubly full of celebrations which is wonderful and busy and wonderfully busy. Any excuse for a party, right? Today, Kira has been home for two years. Two short years. Two special years. Continue Reading

‘I’m adopted’ – An interview with Bridget Tuffin


Bridget is an amazing young lady who works as a freelance hair and make-up artist and I met her and her skills at a blogger event recently. We got chatting and next thing I know we were talking about my kids (I do this a lot) and Bridget told me that she was also adopted. It’s really amazing that we met like this. And so we hugged and became friends and I’ve asked Bridget to share her story with us as it is such a beautiful story of adoption and family and resilience and triumph. Thank you for sharing your story, Bridget!Continue Reading

Our family shoot in the Company’s Garden with Heymama

Our family was treated to an afternoon family shoot in the Company’s Garden with Heymama and photographer Ilze Louw. Heymama is a style-driven lifestyle website for parents and if you haven’t checked them out yet, go go go! They’ve also just added a small, curated store to their website – they only stock items that they love and it’s updated every week.

Back to the photoshoot: Ilze captured some beautiful family moments despite the chaos – at least one of our three kids was always running off away from the camera, some over eager squirrels wanted to be friends and Judah kept losing a shoe. Oh, and a group of tourists decided to jump on the bandwagon and snap some of their own pics of us which was a bit distracting – having a family shoot in such a public space had some challenges! It was a whirlwind thirty minutes (with a lot of bubbles), but we had so much fun – you can read our interview that Heymama published over here.

I’ve chosen few of my favourite pics from this fun afternoon which was not easy as I LOVE them all. Thanks Charine, Jani & Ilze!


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