Adoption is a funny thing. Blended families are everywhere you look, but our existence can still raise an eyebrow or two at, for example, Cavendish. I am quickly going to recount two laugh out loud moments that have recently taken place at this popular mall down the road.
One. Let me set the scene. Ryan is trying on jeans at Woolies. I am collapsed on the couch that is strategically positioned at the entrance to the changing rooms. (Woolies you read my mind. Taking Husband shopping is far more exhausting that one can imagine.) The pram is wedged ‘out of the way’ (a pram is always in the way) and Ilan is running sprints down the aisle towards the Woolies cafe and turning around every few seconds to check that I’m watching his fabulous display of very fast running. The security guard is hovering at the entrance. A concerned shopper walks slowly past Ilan who is now rolling on the floor. She looks around. She summons the security guard and they look around together. They’re looking for Ilan’s mom. Where is she? I am five metres away. This is too amusing so I let them look a little bit longer before I give them a wave. Embarrassed shopper scurries away. Ilan runs back to me. We all go home without jeans.
Two. It is possibly the second time in my three years of mom-ing that I spot a vacant ‘Moms with Tots’ bay and I can’t believe my luck. What a good start to the day. Little Miss and I hit the shops, load the pram with groceries and head back to the conveniently-close-car. I manage to find the parking ticket and am pleased to find that the car keys are in my Mary Poppins bag and not forgotten in the car door. There are a few steps leading down to the car and so I leave Kira in the pram, a mere four steps away, while I pack the groceries into the boot. A dear old lady is standing next to the pram as I return for yet another transfer. She asks if I know where this gorgeous little one’s mother is? She’s right here I say. (I really was right there).
Life is is interesting when you don’t look like your kids and they don’t look like you. Yes, we don’t look the same but we belong together.