Tag: Baby

Meet the Mama {Thandi Nkomo}

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Thandi and I started chatting through this blog a few months ago – she was exploring adoption options in Cape Town and had lots of questions! Fast forward a few short months  and Thandi has her baby girl home with her and is planning to repeat the whole process again soon – brave mama! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us, Thandi.

Tell us a bit about your family.

We’re a family of 5 at the moment, with another adoption planned in the next few months. Homeschool mom, hands-on dad, 9 yearold biological son, 9 year old biological daughter and one adorable 6 month old adopted girl.Continue Reading

Win with Tous Les Jours & Heart Mama Blog

Who doesn’t love snuggly pjs in winter? Tous Les Jours is a quality ladies sleepwear company based in the Natal Midlands that guarantees quality and comfort in each and every garment produced. Not only do they look after Mom, they have expanded to offer a fab range of cute baby items and a 100% natural and organic skin care range. All available online here.

To celebrate the launch of their winter Mon Petit Chou Chou babywear range, they are giving away a magnificent unisex hamper valued at R550. It’s your lucky day Mamas, if you’ve got a baba who is 0-18 months, then here’s what one of you can walk away with for your little one:

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