This boy. Ilan is clearly very pleased with himself. Me, not so much.
This boy. Ilan is clearly very pleased with himself. Me, not so much.

Some days I want to pull my hair out.

Ilan doesn’t want to nap. He jumps on the bed. He tests my patience in the hugest way. Some days (yesterday), I hear a little noise from his room and pop my head in to investigate. He’s not in his bed. He is behind the curtains with my ball point pen and has left an ink trail in his wake. He’s ‘coloured in’ my desk and some of his books and has given himself a moustache. Artistry of this magnitude must have taken him ages, but he did it all so quietly that I didn’t have a clue.

Deep breath. Take a photo. It’s actually quite funny.

Nothing beats this.
Other days.  

But then, there are other days like this – spontaneous ‘Can I give you a hug quickly, Mommy?’ during supper or a gentle stroke on my arm or a ‘Just one more cuddle, ok?’. Or, if you’re lucky, you are rewarded with five minutes of cuddly sleepy kid on your shoulder on the walk in from the car.

Parenting is a mixed bag of this and that. A mixed bag of blessings.


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