Have you ever checked out the Purity Website? It’s full of Helpful Tips. Click here to read up on these topics:
Daily Feeding Guide
Food Allergy Guide
Fussy Eaters
Introduction to Solids
Constipation & your baby
Vitamin & Mineral Guide
WIN WIN WIN a Purity Promise hamper: Purity & Elizabeth Annes’s Laundry Wash, Purity & Elizabeth Anne’s Head to Toe, Purity & Elizabeth Anne’s Special Baby Shampoo, Purity & Elizabeth Anne’s Baby Aqueous Cream, Purity & Elizabeth Anne’s Baby Petroleum Jelly, Purity & Elizabeth Anne’s Goodnight’s Cornstarch Powder, Purity Pedia Kids Arnica Gel, Purity Pedia Kids Nasal Spray, Purity Photo Frame & Purity spoon
To stand a chance to win this prize, please follow these steps:
1. LIKE Heart Mama Blog & Purity Promise on Facebook.
2. SHARE the Facebook image
3. Comment below with your name & email address (Optional, but helpful so I can track you down if you win!)
The competition closes on Friday 28 November at 12h00 and the winner will be selected via Random.org. The winner drawn must have followed all three steps above in order to qualify for the prize. Competition is open to South African residents only and delivery of the prize will be made to your doorstep. Good luck mamas!
It my first pregnancy and I’m giving birth this coming December, I don’t know much about the things I need for me and the baby so I would like purity to help me through this journey. Thank you!
I just had my secand born on september.thanx to purity product my babies sikn is perfect,can’t wait to start feeding her the yummy and healty foods of purity…
Nicolene la Grange lagrangenicolene@gmail.com
rehana seedat email: dseedat@telkomsa.net Liked and shared facebook
My bby just started with the purity product an he is loving the yummy purity
Loving it! 100 % better mild!
Liked and shared on facebook dlw@live.co.za got 3 little girlies 2 years old 3 years old and a 10 year old thank you for an opportubity to win 🙂
Sarojini Govender govendersarojini@yahoo.com
Love it only products i can use for my baby
Awesome giveaway……. Moira Mcallister
Amanda Sikoti,Asikoti4@gmail.com
Liked and shared!
Yolanda Qongqo
Hi there!!:-)
My name is Amore Loggenberg and what a wonderful prize!! MNy daughter is just about to run out of nasal spray so absolutely perfect!! My email address is amore@getha.co.za 🙂 Holding thumbs!!:-)
Its my first baby and she’s 18weeks
Hasan adz.dbn@gmail.com
Peta-Jane Pienaar petajane89@gmail.com
Peta-Jane Pienaar petajane89@gmail.com
My baby is 7 months and I only use Purity Cleaning Products.
Tarryn Tunnell
Adeline Pillay
dale pearce .. pearcedale75@yahoo.com
Love this products!!!!! Holding thumbs:). brendab7@mobileemail.vodafonesa.co.za
You can never go wrong with purity
Gwendolyne marais g.e.i.marais@gmail.com
Its the only shampoo that my little girl of 3 will use. Would love to win this hamper for her as we still use it. And the rest i can give to my one co worker that has a baby on the way
Secsy.dd@gmail.com, Absolutely LOVE purity & Elizabeth Anne’s Products!! It smells amazing, feels even better and is gentle on my baby’s skin!! This is an amazing prize!!
Tiffany trobsonbd@gmail.com
I would like to win!!!!
1st time mom thx for all the advice
Lynn Botha
Fingers crossed , hoping to win this beautiful product for my newborn son.
Louwna Fourie louwna.fourie1@gmail.com
Chloe-Bianca Oosthuizen, chloeoosthuizen@yahoo.com
Alison scheepers
Melissa ann tupper melissat14@gmail.com f
Great blog
Holding thumbs and toes…this is a awsome price…
Will love to win this hamper…
evelene bester
Zulpha Cassiem
Amazing giveaway, I would totally love to win this, Im giving birth next Wednesday and all this products will come in very handy 🙂
Fehmida Wally
Lizelle Van Rooyen
Your products are absol. Lovely fragrant and fresh smelling. It is creamy and smooth and for this reason it is by the whole fam.not just baby. It has a lovely mositure in for dry skin and the whole fam.loves your product. Def.something for baby and fam. This would be wonderful Xmas to be won.
Holding thumbs!
What a fab hamper. Jackie – jackiek@atio.co.za
Adz Hasan adz.dbn@gmail.com
Would love to win this great products for my girl smell always so nice!!