Nice and sweet and sassy

How many of you can say that you fall asleep at night with the image of a large buttocked hippo swaying her hips to the sound of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Madagascar version of ‘I like to Move It, Move It’? He describes the hippo as ‘nice and sweet and sassy’. But of course.

Sassy Gloria

This is Ilan’s favourite song and he requests a YouTube viewing at least five times a day. He likes to dance in the kitchen and ask if we like to move it move it. Tears in my eyes. So classic. At times I try to ‘move it’ to encourage his enthusiasm, only to be told that ‘You can’t dance like that’. Does this mean that I can’t dance like King Julien or that I can’t dance at all? They say that kids speak truth, so I guess it’s a good thing that my clubbing days are over and that I somehow managed to grab the attention of my husband without sufficient skill in the dancing department.

Back to the song. There is one particular repetitive phrase in the song that is perhaps good motivation for those like me who prefer to exercise only when the weather is perfect – ‘physically fit, physically fit, physically physically physically fit’. If you know the song (like I know that some of you do), then I know that you just rapped that out loud. I rap it a lot which is helping me get into the right head space for desiring fitness. But for now, dancing to kids’ tunes is the only exercise I’m getting. Until the weather is exactly perfect.



Isn’t The Creamery just the loveliest?


The Creamery. What a lovely place. My afternoon of time-outs and tears was rescued by an invitation to eat ice cream with some friends. I have only enjoyed salted caramel in a wafer cone once before, but it is now a firm favourite.

Some reasons why this place is so fabulous:

-They have nice staff who are nice to kids. This is a good start.

-You can taste as much as you like and they don’t get annoyed.

-They give the kids their scoop in an extra big cone which means minimal mess.

-They gave Kira-pie a free mini ice-cream in a cone – what a win!

-No one moaned when we left a table covered in spilt sugar or when Ilan decided to lick the table ‘like a doggy’.

-Jugs of lemon water freely available to rinse your sweet teeth and occupy the kids’ attention for that extra two minutes.

Thank you for saving my afternoon, The Creamery. And thank you Cape Town for another summer day in not-quite-the-middle-of-winter.


Love makes a family.


Little Kira-Noodle-Pie joined our family in January and every day our hearts stretch with love for her. Today I am sharing this most precious picture of our sleeping babs with you. How lucky are we? I’ll answer that. We are very lucky.

Our house turned pink over night and is full of gob. Just the way we like it.

Thank you Kira pie for joining our family.


Hello there.

This is me and my favourite. Well, actually I have 2 little favourites now & I love them with my whole heart.

This is me and my favourite. Well, my first favourite. I have 2 little favourites now and I love them with my whole heart. Welcome to my blog!

Through this blog I’m going to share my journey of joy in starting and growing a family through adoption. There are unwelcome frustrations along the way too, but mostly these are admin-related and mostly there is MUCH joy! The kind of joy that squeezes you tightly at 05h30 in the morning and kisses you with snotty smooches. What a pleasure.

Welcome to my blog.

Photo credit to the loveliest