Are you ready for Part Two of my #heartmamajoy posts from the Adoption Awareness month photo challenge on Instagram? Coming right up!
Day 11, SCREENING | Meet Cliffie, our wonderful Social Worker from Wandisa, who is an honorary member of the family after walking three adoption journeys with us. Cliffie has been to our home countless times yet always managed to get lost finding her way, shared heartache and joy with us & always made a point to pray for our family at every visit. She’s a special one, even attending Kira’s baby dedication. This pic is from our last follow up visit earlier this year.
The screening process is a memorable part of our family story & we are the hugest fans of Wandisa for the comprehensive prospective parent training they provide.
Day 12, THEN & NOW | Our big three! These guys, they’re growing up so beautifully. They’re all a lot less chubby, but just as cuddly.
Day 13, BEST READ – KIDS | We love books & these are just a selection from the top of the pile in Kira’s room right now. I love supporting local & my preference is always to choose a book with characters who look like my kids. On library days, at least half of the books coming home feature dark skinned characters – there are plenty books available if you take the time to look for them. All kids need to see diversity in books, not just black kids!
Day 14, RECENT READ | I have two things to say about #KillingKaroline:
1. I can’t quite put into words the emotions that this memoir by adult adoptee, @thisissjking, has stirred within me – I felt her pain with silent tears but also her hope. I am reminded of the power of words spoken to a child and that although adoption is part of my kids’ stories, there’s so much more to them than that. Having read this book, I am more equipped to being a better mom for my kids. Every adoptive parent really really needs to read this book.
2. I found this book next to my Mom’s bed & heard that she’d got it from her book club. I’m so impressed and lucky to have a mom that is so on board with adoption that she seeks to read and learn independently of me. Thanks my Mom.
Day 15, COLOUR | I’ve successfully passed on my love for Michael Jackson to my kids. ‘Black or white’ is a firm fav & Ilan likes to point between me & him when those lyrics come on. 🎤
Day 16, LANGUAGE | Oh my daughter you are so beautiful. The crowds at your concert yesterday overwhelmed you, but I couldn’t take my eyes off you as you danced in the diverse languages of South Africa.
Day 17, #BLACKTOYSMATTER | I love that there are so many more dark-skinned dolls available locally these days & am grateful to the many local entrepreneurs who are making this possible. Top left, clockwise: @cocoa.cherry| @sibahlecollection | @ourgenerationdollssa | @fox.and.moon
Day 18, EXPLORE |
This is one of my favourite pics taken on a recent family adventure to the V&A Waterfront. It can be hair raising taking three active kids out to a public place like the Waterfront, but we always have fun & sometimes you get lucky & get a good pic out of it too.
Day 19, COMFORT | May I always be the calm to your chaos, middle one.
Day 20, FATHER’S LOVE | This is a father who likes (& has the muscles) to fling his kids to the clouds. There is no one I’d rather be a dad to my kids, this is an everyday superhero right here. 📷 : @hayleytakesphotos .
Thank you for reading this far! You can read Part One over here & Part Three will be loaded shortly or if you can’t wait then pop over to Instagram.